What's it All About?

This is a blog about the wonderful man that is Will.

Monday 28 February 2011

On the Road


The road trip was very nearly jeopardised by Tango that cat, who had to flee to the vet. After he returned and having dislodged some vegetation he really shouldn't have eaten, we set off on our road trip.

The vehicle of choice
The first destination to be checked off, Wanganui, was only a few hours drive Along the way we pulled beside one of New Zealand’s most valuable nature reserves, Kapiti Island. I very nearly suffered death here trying to get you a decent photo. Treading along sharp rocks jutting out of the sea wearing only flip-flops (or jandles, as they are known by the Kiwis) is not the wisest of ventures. But the island was so damned pretty!

Kapiti Island
We then meandered passed mountains and rivers and etc. You know, the usual stuff, then pitched up camp and clambered down to the river, where I had a splash about.
Feets in the water


Tent and Moon
On the morn we dismantled el tento and said goodbye to the river.                                                                                                  
Au revoir Whanganui River
We sped off to see Mount Taranaki, which I was looking forward to. By the time we had got to the beast the wench had stuck her head in the clouds, but we went for a stroll on her foliage strewn periphery.

Tree with moss type stuff

BIG tree with even more moss type stuff
View from a hole in the foliage
The next camp was in New Plymouth, which sits in view of Taranaki. The day was mainly a lazy one, primarily concerned with swimming in the sea; which was nice.

New Plymouth is a little sunnier than the old one right now
I tried to get to see Taranaki properly, but all day the clouds remained.
Taranaki clinging to the clouds
By the evening the volcano came out to play and I finally managed to steal a picture.

I will get to the top of you before I flee!
I had a meander around the beach in the evening and the following morning, and it was a veritable photographic feast.

At one point there was a couple zooming up and down the beach on horses and the sight made me think of my sister. :) 

For Loose-Goose

We then headed up towards Lake Taupo. On the way I wanted to get pictures of some sea stacks I'd heard of in Tongaporutu, but the tide had other ideas and took that chance away from me. Still, the area was still pretty and it was an opportunity to get another photo taken.

We booked in to a cabin at Motutere Bay. T'was far more luxurious than the previous camps, but did little to stave off the sweat and insect induced stinging. A swim was once again due. Taking a self portrait in Lake Taupo was not going to be easy, but I gave it a go.

A swimming moi
Before we settled down for the evening we drove down to the beautiful, and turquoise, Huka Falls in Wairakei Park. Here the Waikato River which, is normally 100m wide, is squeezed through a 20 metre wide gorge and over a 20m drop as it crosses a hard volcanic ledge and as it shoots through it's colour becomes much more vibrant. 

Clichéd pier in a lake shot

The Bog of Eternal Stench

Stinking Water I
Stinking Water II
Redwood trees
Redwood tree

Mother and Daughter

Lake Rotokakahi (Green Lake)




Mount Doom



  1. I loved Ludo when I was a kid. I wanted to take him home and look after him. :)
